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Индийский океан:
Индийский/Тихий океан
Атлантический океан
Реки и каналы

Классический круиз по каналу дю Миди
Le Somail - Bram

Плановый круиз на барже-отеле ANJODI

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Воскресенье, день 1
Le Somail

Встреча в назначенном месте. Трансфер на микроавтобусе на баржу Anjodi, пришвартованную в Le Somail. Приветствие с "Шампанским". Знакомство с экипажем, размещение, небольшая прогулка перед обедом на борту.

Понедельник, день 2
Le Somail to Homps

This morning we cruise to the very pretty canal side village of Homps. This afternoon’s excursion is to Minerve, the ancient capital of the Minervois, which boasts a 12th century Cathar fort surrounded by deep limestone gorges. Besieged by Simon de Montfort in 1215, its hilltop location affords spectacular views. A fascinating recreation in miniature of the bloodthirsty Cathar rebellion and small museum complete this intriguing picture. Dinner on board.

Вторник, день 3
Homps to Trebes

This morning’s excursion is to Narbonne, a Roman Mediterranean capital where the Visigoth monarchs once lived. Enjoy a visit to the Archbishop's Palace and Horreum. Explore the indoor market at the hub of this bustling canal side town, where you will have time to shop or simply absorb the relaxed atmosphere. Afternoon cruise to Trebes. Dinner on board.

Среда, день 4
Trebes to Carcassonne

This morning we visit Caunes Minervois, a medieval village of steep, twisting, narrow streets and sand coloured stones buildings surrounding the great 8thC Abbey that lies at its heart. A tour of the village reveals many Renaissance facades. Vestiges of even older buildings can be seen, including the medieval fortifications. You will enjoy the many crafts by local artists. Return to the barge and after lunch we start climbing the locks to the Port of Carcassonne. Dinner out tonight at a local auberge.

Четверг, день 5

A fascinating morning tour of La Cité follows. Dating back to the Gallo-Roman era, this is the most complete mediaeval, fortified city in existence today. With its 52 watchtowers, portcullis and extraordinary repertoire of defences that resisted the many armies that tried to storm this Camelot setting. An afternoon excursion to the sparkling wineries of Limoux or in the opposite direction, some of the hearty reds of the Minervois can be sampled. Dinner on board.

Пятница, день 6
Carcassonne to Bram

Morning cruise to Sauzens. During the cruise you can enjoy great cycling and walking through woodland and a chance to visit some of the Canal du Midi villages. Afternoon cruise to Bram, thorough the sunflower fields to our evening mooring in this circular village. Прощальный ужин капитана на борту.

Суббота, день 7

После завтрака, трансфер в место отъезда

Через неделю баржа следует в обратном по тем же пунктам.
Описан типовой маршрут. Возможны изменения и дополнения.

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